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Spiffy's Blog

Daniela Schiffer: Individual and Collective Sustainability Through Gamification

Daniela Schiffer: Individual and Collective Sustainability Through Gamification
Daniela: Thanks for having me, Spiffy! In our Klima-Taler app we encourage citizens to adopt more sustainable and healthier lifestyle choices. Our innovative approach combines nudging and gamification. Citizens create Klima-Taler (climate coins) by saving five kilograms of carbon dioxide for walking, cycling, and using public transport. These KT can be exchanged for discounts or free admissions in participating cities, creating a tangible incentive for saving carbon dioxide. Our mission is to make sustainability rewarding and accessible for everyone.

Grace Sai: Helping Businesses to Be More Carbon Conscious and Reduce Emissions

Grace Sai: Helping Businesses to Be More Carbon Conscious and Reduce Emissions
Grace: Thanks for having me, Spiffy! We help companies be 'carbon curious' and then 'carbon smart' by helping them know how much their business activities affect climate change in the world, and then we help them see what they can do to reduce their 'carbon emissions'. We have built an AI engine that can generate magical carbon results in a short amount of time! Large companies use us to know where they can do better, and then, hopefully they do!

Madeleine Valderrama Martinez: Using AI to Help Farmers and Miners Be Sustainable

Madeleine Valderrama Martinez: Using AI to Help Farmers and Miners Be Sustainable
Madeleine: Thanks for having me, Spiffy! At Bruna, we work magic with computers to help those who grow our fruits and mine minerals from the earth. We use artificial intelligence, which is like teaching computers to think a little bit like us, to tell these workers when it's going to rain or how they can do their job without wasting water and electricity. It's like having a crystal ball that really works!