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Vaishnavi Srivathsan: Helping Kids Learn and Love Reading

Vaishnavi Srivathsan: Helping Kids Learn and Love Reading
Vaish: Thanks for having me, Spiffy! Our tool, Simili, uses AI-generated reading adventures and games to help young children learn to read. Kids get to play with their favorite characters, choose what they do and where they go, and in the interim, help the characters—and themselves—pick up phonics, vocabulary, comprehension and other reading-related skills.

Jay Onda: Supporting the Development and Growth of Mission-Driven Founders

Jay Onda: Supporting the Development and Growth of Mission-Driven Founders
Jay: It’s great to be here, Spiffy! The Sundial Foundation's focus is to support the development and growth of mission-driven founders who are solving for equity, education, employment, and environmental stewardship. We accomplish this by serving our founders through thoughtful programming, access to financing, and access to our network to increase their chances of success, while creating exponential impact and exponential returns supported by our donors.

Tiffany Patterson: Helping People of Color Discover Wellness Experiences

Tiffany Patterson: Helping People of Color Discover Wellness Experiences
Tiffany: Thanks for having me, Spiffy! Cowrie is a wellness travel platform for individuals of color to discover retreats, community organizers, and like-minded groups. Unfortunately, people of color and intersectional identities (LGBTQIA, disability, etc.) have higher rates of mental wellness needs but have fewer options for inclusive wellness experiences. Cowrie's mission is to inspire people of color to disconnect from the daily grind, reconnect with the land, and give back to the earth that nurtures us.