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Meggie Palmer: Helping Women Track Their Wins and Grow Their Pay

Meggie Palmer: Helping Women Track Their Wins and Grow Their Pay
Meggie: Glad to be with you, Spiffy! When I was working as a news reporter, I (by accident) discovered I was being paid less than my male colleagues. This totally opened my eyes to the pay discrimination women face in the workplace. I wanted to change that so others didn’t have to go through what I went through. And so PepTalkHer and its app were born!

Corina Reynolds: Enabling Book Production and Distribution for All

Corina Reynolds: Enabling Book Production and Distribution for All
Corina: Excited to cruise with you, Spiffy! Books are an excellent format for artists to share their ideas in a way that is private and public at the same time. In order to receive the content a book has to offer, you must hold it in your hands, touch its cover, and turn its pages. Books can also be made in large quantities and in portable formats, making them ideal for sharing creative ideas with a large number of people in different places all at once. At the Center for Book Arts, we believe that everyone should have access to the skills to produce and share their own books.

Agatha Kluk: Giving Small Businesses a Voice

Agatha Kluk: Giving Small Businesses a Voice
Agatha: Glad to be with you, Spiffy! I am a lawyer for new companies who are changing the world through their products and services! Most of my clients have never started a business before, so they look to me to help them make sure that their company can be successful and legally sound. Lots of tricky issues come up when you start a business, such as how to hire employees, how to protect your name and your brand (your intellectual property), and how to handle disagreements. We help our clients solve many of the problems that they face in their businesses!