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Kavita Shah: Reimagining India’s Approach to Education

Kavita Shah: Reimagining India’s Approach to Education
Kavita: When we learn a language, especially English, we learn that “A is for apple, B for ball, C is for cat,” and so on. Why can’t our minds come up with anything other than an apple for “A”? The concepts we learn in school remain so deeply ingrained in our brains that we can seldom think beyond them. The education system does not encourage the development of inquisitiveness in young students. The 2019 ASER survey found that, in India, only 37.4% of kids below the age of six can recognize letters, and only 25.6% can do addition. The lack of age-appropriate skills in the early years is alarming as this can impact the entire education supply chain in India. This is an extremely alarming issue which we at Neev Shikshan Santha are aiming to resolve.