Dr. Laurie Marker: Creating a World Where Cheetahs and Humans Can Co-exist

Laurie: Thanks for having me, Spiffy. Here at CCF, we have a holistic approach to conservation, working on a variety of topics and projects, with the end goal of creating a world where cheetahs and humans can co-exist. For example, we mitigate human-wildlife conflict using livestock guarding dogs and farmer training, have a successful education program with outreach in schools all over Namibia, and have school kids visiting CCF's research and education center. We have a very successful ecology department where we also host Namibian and international students, a veterinarian clinic, a genetics lab, a cafe and lodge, a creamery, a working model farm with goats and sheep, and, last but not least, a sanctuary for cheetahs, that either stay in human care or can be released back into the wild.