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Grace Sai: Helping Businesses to Be More Carbon Conscious and Reduce Emissions

Grace Sai: Helping Businesses to Be More Carbon Conscious and Reduce Emissions
Grace: Thanks for having me, Spiffy! We help companies be 'carbon curious' and then 'carbon smart' by helping them know how much their business activities affect climate change in the world, and then we help them see what they can do to reduce their 'carbon emissions'. We have built an AI engine that can generate magical carbon results in a short amount of time! Large companies use us to know where they can do better, and then, hopefully they do!

Nelson Boateng: Tackling Ghana’s Menace of Plastic Waste

Nelson Boateng: Tackling Ghana’s Menace of Plastic Waste
Nelson: Thanks for having me, Spiffy! Ghana produces over 1.5 million tons of plastics waste annually and only 5% to 7 % is ever found and recycled. Nelplast collects all kinds of plastic waste with the exception of PVC pipes, mixes it with sand, carbon black, and organic pigment, and uses sand-poly extrusion method to produce affordable construction materials like lego bricks, pillar mold bricks, pavement tiles, and bricks. We have over 300 women working on collection and sorting. We also have nine women working in the factory.

Saurabh Sarkar: Working Towards a More Efficient and Eco-Friendly Tech Industry

Saurabh Sarkar: Working Towards a More Efficient and Eco-Friendly Tech Industry
Saurabh: Thanks for having me, Spiffy! Our startup is tackling the inefficiency in data pipelines, specifically within Spark and similar platforms. By optimizing transformations and queries with generative AI, we ensure that these pipelines consume fewer resources, save energy, and reduce time as well as costs for our clients. Our focus is not only on improving operational efficiency, but also on promoting sustainable, green software practices that contribute to a more eco-friendly tech industry.