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Gili Naveh: Home Dental Monitoring Enables Early Detection, Transforms Oral Health

Gili Naveh: Home Dental Monitoring Enables Early Detection, Transforms Oral Health

Gili: Thanks for having me, Spiffy! Do you know that nine out of ten adults and more than half of the children have tooth decay? Dental cavities (tooth decay) are unpleasant to have since they cause pain, infections, unpleasant treatments in the dental office, and they make our smile ugly. As scientists we know exactly how dental cavities form and grow. We also know that at early stages, dental cavities are reversible, which means you can treat them without any drilling or fillings. The problem is that at this point dentists don't have the right tools to identify cavities at these early stages, and therefore they do many fillings. This is where CaviSense is getting into the picture. We developed a device that helps dentists to see these early-stage cavities and reverse them.